Monday , May 13 , 2002


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Aqua Knight

Okay, it looks like I actually can mostly keep up with an every-other-day update schedule, so that's what I'll plan for.

And this comic was up on the 13th. Really. It says so right there. Can't you read it? Pay no attention to the Chronicler behind the curtains.

This is one of those rare comics that neither Drake nor Cyn had any input on. On the other hand, I did spend a long while with them the other night going over future plot. We decided between ourselves what all of the main characters that haven't appeared yet are doing right now. Who knows when we'll get to them all, but at least there's a plan for when we do.

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End Notes:

This comic is written and assembled by The Chronicler. Chaos factor augmented by Drake and Hyacynth.
Final Fantasy III/VI and all associated characters and artwork copyright Square.
Original content copyright 2002 The Chronicler.